Looking For A Touch Screen Register For Your Small Business? What To Know

If you are a small business owner and you have been trying to use an old credit card swiper and cash register, it's time to make an upgrade and invest in more efficient ways to collect payment. With a portable tablet and credit card attachment, you can collect payment anywhere and at any time. Here are options to invest in, so you can change how you collect payment. Portable Touch Screen Register [Read More]

Making A Great Video For Your Crowdfunding Campaign

If you've been thinking about launching a crowdfunding campaign for your company's new project, it's important that you make the most of the campaign. One of the most important things to incorporate into your project launch is a video to showcase your campaign. If you've never made a crowdfunding campaign video, you need to make sure you approach it properly. Here's a look at some of the things that you need to think about when you're crafting your video. [Read More]

3 Things To Do Before Bidding On IP Addresses

If you are thinking about purchasing IP addresses for business purposes or any other reason, you could be thinking about bidding on them online. After all, as you might have found out during your research, this can be one of the best ways to purchase IP addresses. These are some of the things that you will probably want to do before you place your first bid, though, so that you can ensure that you are as successful as possible with your IP address purchase. [Read More]

Key Tips When Choosing A Cloud Storage Provider For Your Business

More and more companies are starting to switch from traditional data storage options to cloud storage. It's cost-effective and easy to use. If you're looking to invest in this type of storage, these tips will come in handy.  Review Security Protocol No matter what provider you end up working with for cloud storage, you need to make sure their security protocol is high-quality. Otherwise, sensitive data could end up in the wrong hands that then leads to costly expenses for your company. [Read More]